• IHMC LCS Database: Manually created large database of lexical conceptual structures for English (GNU General Public License)
  • Thesaurus verb list: A list of Perform/Give/Gain/Lose verbs identified based on thesaurus.com used for ask (and framing) detection
  • LCS class verb list: A list of Perform/Give/Gain/Lose verbs identified based on original LCS database used for ask (and framing) detection
  • LCS+ class verb list: A list of Perform/Give/Gain/Lose verbs identified based on enhanced LCS database tailored to Panacea used for ask (and framing) detection
  • Combined verb list : The combined list of Perform/Give/Gain/Lose verbs for all three versions (LCS, LCS+, Thesaurus based)
  • IHMC CatVar: A large database of clusters of related, uninflected English words and their multi-part-of-speech (categorical) variants (Open Software License version 1.1)